Author Profile

Dan Redding

Guest Contributor

Dan Redding

Dan comes to wine after a long journey through the grocery aisles, then a trip to taste gigantic Napa wines, and finally discovering exciting and distinctive Virginia wine that is great. While his day job isn’t in the wine industry, he has lots of opinions about wine that he has developed over his journey through Virginia wine. He keeps a blog at My NoVa Wine Blog where he posts about wine news for consumers, winery visits and tastes, and general thoughts on the industry.  He loves sharing all the good stuff he finds with friends and colleagues, and started the blog to share his thoughts with anyone who wanted to read them or stumbled onto it through google.  He gets excited about grapes he hasn’t had before, winemaking techniques that are not common in today’s world, and really still is a sucker for some of those big Napa-style wines that blow your mind. More often than not, you will find him at a couple of favorite haunts introducing them to a friend and relaxing, and sometimes trekking a little further out to check out somewhere new.

You can read more about Dan’s journey through wine on his blog at: MyNoVaWineBlog 

Follow him on Instagram: @MyNovaWineBlog or Twitter: @MyNoVaWineBlog1 and  Facebook: MyNovaWineBlog